Privacy Tools Guide

How To Achieve Privacy? A Market Overview.

A market comparison of privacy technology is a useful way to understand the different options available for protecting personal data and ensuring online privacy. Many such guides exist, often linking to specifics, however, one of the challenges is simplicity. We love innovations, but we also love great user experiences. So we focus on the good and bad of these various privacy tools from the perspective of actually fixing privacy. Like, if you could only pick one, which type of privacy tool would you pick.

Search: one of the leading vectors in the privacy technology market are privacy-focused search engines. Consumer's often opt for a privacy focused search engine that does not track or personalize results. Search is of course an integral part of the Internet experience, so it makes sense to start with privacy here. However, Search begins your Internet journey; your data exhaust grows the more time you spend once you land at your destination.

VPN: in a similar vein, another popular privacy intervention are VPNs (virtual private network (VPN)) services, which aim to protect users' online activity. VPNs can be used to shield from spying eyes, and could provide benefits by securing local traffic while using something like a public WiFi network. However, in our experience, VPNs require some amount of set-up/cost; it isn't to say they are too complex by any means, it's just not as seamless as we expected (especially depending on your current tech set-up).

DataBanc: This is where we come in. We help people hold and bank their data, easily. We think privacy is different. Instead of picking apart pieces of your privacy journey with the above (and combining different layers of tools), we think privacy should be all inclusive of the data on your journey. It's time to bank it. So what are you waiting for? Join our beta now!


DataBanc Editorial Staff

October 30, 2022